Goldfish Facts: Some unknown and interesting facts.
August 27, 2020 Gold Fish
Nearly 2,000 years ago, goldfish species were domesticated, and they are used as an ornamental fish in tanks and ponds. Usually, goldfish facts include a myth where goldfish is misunderstood with its oversized cousin Koi. Koi is another type of domestic carp, and there is a myth that Koi are the giant goldfish. The reality suggests that they are a different form of species which is entirely distinct from the beloved aquarium mainstay, the goldfish.
Goldfish the symbol of luck and fortune
Today I am going to present some of the fascinating goldfish facts which you will love to know.
Some unknown Goldfish facts
Goldfish facts suggest that they can see more colours than human beings.
You may be surprised by the fact, but this is true. Goldfish can recognise more colours than human beings.
If we look at some of the fundamental facts, then we come to know that human beings can only see the combinations of three primary colours that are red, blue and yellow. But you may astound by the fact that goldfish can see four different colours which let them see ultraviolet light. With this goldfish behaviour facts, they can see movement in the water and can find food quickly.
The actual location of goldfish eyes are on the sides of their heads, so they have a big blind spot right in front of their nose. Additionally, they can’t see very far. Certain goldfish breeds have special eye modifications such as Telescope or Bubble eye, which makes their vision even worse than usual.
After well-informed training goldfish can be music, experts
We all know that every day thousands of researchers who try to analyse some new facts about the world.
Similarly, various researchers also try to analyse different goldfish behaviour facts. One of the Japanese researchers tries to identify goldfish’s knowledge of the arts by using two separate pieces of classical music ( Bach and Stravinsky) by different composers.
They trained half of the goldfish to bite a red bead during Bach’s music and the other half during Stravinsky music. The training is in such a way that if they ate during their piece of music, they would be rewarded by good goldfish food.
It nearly took 100 music lessons to get them to analyse the difference. But the result was so promising; it was observed that approximately 75% of the time they choose the right one.
In the winter goldfish kept outside go into hibernation
In winter we have seen that most of the animals and fishes go into hibernation.
The heart rate of goldfish slows down during the winter and they stop eating. Then they sleep, and after winter is over, they come out of their long winter’s nap and often ready to spawn.
Goldfish get bored, try to provide them enjoyable environment.
Imagine living your whole life in a single place. You will get bored, and this is no less than jail.
Imagine living in a glass container where you don’t have anything to do.
This is so suffocating.
Goldfish need amusement too!
If you want to provide an entertaining environment for your goldfish, then it is essential to keep the focus on goldfish care. The wild goldfish are for ages, giving them fibrous veggies to graze during the day is not only good for their health, but it is also enjoyable for them.
Most interesting goldfish facts that they can eat from your hands.
You can consider it as one of the goldfish behaviour facts that they can eat from your hands.
This is one of my favourite activity to feed them from my own hands.
Goldfish are smart enough that they don’t take long to learn where the food comes from.
With the little patience and care, you can have your goldfish trained to eat from your fingers at mealtime.
Avoid putting your goldfish in a bowl for its home
If you are planning to put your goldfish in a bowl for its home, then I strongly recommend do not ever think about this.
Putting goldfish in a bowl for its home is a big no. Because the water turns toxic fast, which ultimately leads them to the stage of death.