Why Rare Betta Fish Are So Special Secrets Revealed
April 1, 2021 Betta Fish
Betta Fish is one of the most popular fishes among fish lovers. Expert suggests that before having rare betta fish aspect it is important to gather some basic information about them. Information such as, what size of the water tank is perfect for them, what they eat, whether they should be kept with other fishes or not, how much do they cost, and so on.
Rare male betta fish
The rare male betta fish can be identified by their long tail and fins, which are very colorful. This physical appearance can differ based on the betta variety and mainly this difference is in the shape of the tail. Some of the popular tail varieties of betta fish are Fantail, veiltail, Combtail, Half sun, and so on. An interesting aspect of these fishes is that both male and female betta fishes are that they puff their gills in a way that looks very impressive. In this situation also, male fishes stand out over female fishes.
Idea Tank Size For Betta Fish
Usually, in pet stores, a betta is often kept in small bowls, these way buyers believe that this fish can survive in less water inside a fishbowl. However, the fact is that betta fish cannot survive in a small tank or bowl; it’s a very inappropriate way of keeping the fish. Also, some people have the opinion that just by changes the water of the fish tank once a month is sufficient for betta and they do not need food. This is a complete myth and only shows cruelty towards the fish.
One crucial aspect, which every individual planning to have betta fish as a pet should consider is that they are fishes and not just decorative items. Like the look of this fish is very exclusive and colorful, so some people gift their kid’s betta fish as pets. There is no harm in doing so but parents should ensure to guide their kids on how to take proper care of the fish.
Best Betta Fish Food: Betta Fish Feeding Instructions
Beautiful rare betta fish can be fed different diets, which includes wheat aloud, bloodworms, daphnia, small shrimps, or small mosquitos’ larvae. The fact is that the more variation one can implement in their diet the more colorful, healthy, and active they will be. Once their done eating, excess food from the tank should be removed. Make sure to fed betta fish every day without fail.
Cool small fish tank rare betta fish Tank Mates
This is one of the top-rated questions in the list of queries related to betta fish. Betta fails cannot live happily with just any kind of fish in the same tank. Male fishes often have problems with the female fishes, they are kept together for a very brief period of time for breeding, and then immediately the female fish is removed from the tank. Also, avoid making two or betta male fishes as mates because they are killing each other. This is the reason why they are called the fighting fishes. Now the question is who can be a good mate for male betta fishes, can rare betta fish live with goldfish? The answer is that male fishes can be kept with other fishes having almost the same tropical temperature and the appropriate water quality best suited for them.
On the contrary, rare female betta fishes can be kept with multiple female fishes. However, remember the number of female fishes in the tank should be odd and not even.