Guidelines for a good fish tank for goldfish
March 31, 2021 Gold Fish
Fish tanks play a very important role while raising a goldfish. There are some basic principles that help in selecting the best fish tank for the delicate goldfish. Let’s take a look at some of the points that will help in selecting the most suited water tank.
Big tank
Have you ever seen a goldfish living happily in a small fishbowl? Goldfish cannot survive in small bowls unless capacity is more than 10 gallons. The size of the goldfish range between 1 to 2 inches but they need a wider area to survive.
Why goldfish cannot survive in bowls
Firstly it is because of the amount of waste accumulated in the water. The level of water in small bowls is not sufficient to let go of the waste generated by tiny fishes. You cannot attach a filter in a bowl, because of which there is no circulation in water and thus the oxygenation is also very limited. The second important reason is the stress, goldfish want ample area to roam around freely. They feel uncomfortable in a small area and thus start to feel stressed, this ultimately hamper their immune system making them weak and prone to attract various diseases.
Size is important
As per the survey conducted it was found that people who kept their goldfish in small bowls fail to make them survive for more than a month. However, when they transferred the goldfish to a big tank then the fish survived for a minimum of five years or more. Along with the size cleanliness of the tank is also very important. Changing water after regular intervals, cleaning the debris and other dirt from time to time is very crucial to keep the tank clean.
Which size is enough
This is the answer that does not have any specific answer. On average for one goldfish twenty-gallon capacity is sufficient and with every additional fish raising the capacity to five-gallon every time is a good idea. Some enthusiasts believe that ten-gallon capacity is sufficient for the first fish and then five additional for every new fish. This capacity also depends on the size of the goldfish. The formula is that size of the goldfish is directly proportional to the size of the tank. This means bigger the size of the goldfish higher should be the capacity of the tank and vice versa. It is observed that single-tailed goldfish are good swimmers as compared to double-tailed goldfish. So single-tailed goldfish need a wider area for swimming freely.
Guidelines for inch per gallon
Some enthusiasts also prefer doing the proper calculations when it comes to raising a goldfish. They are so particular that they measure each and every essential of goldfish. As the fish grow it is very important to increase the capacity of the tank. Some people also have a query that can you eat goldfish. The answer is absolute no.
Initially, one may feel that the size of the tank is extremely big for a small fish but with time they understand that it is completely worth having a bigger tank. Changing fish tanks every now and then is not feasible, hence; purchasing a bigger tank at once is a good idea.