Facts About Discus Fish Tank Mates That Will Make You Think Twice.
September 3, 2020 Discus Fish
The king of aquarium discus fish is one of the most prized and respected fish in the hobby. Their fantastic colours, exciting characteristics and behaviour make them one of the famous fish among hobbyists. For complete discus fish care, one should need to give proper attention to every crucial aspect, such as discus fish tank setup, discus fish food and even discus fish tank mates.
Here in this article, we will discuss some of the preferable discus tank mates. But before discussing discus tankmates latest first consider whether the tank made are essential.
Why Discus fish tank mates are necessary
Tankmates play a significant role. Some of the fishes are aggressive; they can be harmful to the calm fishes. Some fishes are fast swimmers that can cause trouble for slow swimmers. So, it becomes essential to choose the discus fish tank mates very carefully; it is better if you do a little bit of research work before selecting the tank mates.
I consider that with the discus you don’t need to worry about discus tank mates as they have the charm to fill your aquarium full of colours and new behaviour, especially if it’s your first time keeping discus.
Keeping some selected tank mates with your discus fish care can offer multiple advantages. Discus are known for being quiet and shy. So, it is necessary to keep them with those fishes that can make them feel safe and with whom they can show themselves more.
Identify the best discus fish tank mates.
As we have already discussed that you can’t put any fish with your discus. So, here we are providing you with a complete guide where you can identify the right companion for your discus.
Marbled hatchet fish (Carnegiella Strigata)
Hatchet fish are fascinating species that Indian name from their unusual body shape. They are one of the standard tank mates of discus fish, exceptionally marbled hatchet fish.
They are great tank mates because they inhibit different water. The best part about their companionship is that the two species won’t get in each other’s way, hatchet fish rarely leave the surface and are extremely calm.
A Blackwater setup will work well with marbled hatchet fish and discus fish.
Hatchetfish appreciate plenty of overhanging vegetation and a few hiding places and discuss first prefer quite a bit of free-swimming space so you’ll need to create a decoration to entertain both the fishes.
Hatchetfish also shows acrobatic skills; they jumped especially when something startled them. It is highly recommended that if your aquarium doesn’t have a lid, you might skip with the idea to keep hatchet fish with discus fish because they will undoubtedly jump out sooner or later.
The difficulty level is easy, and the temperature requirement for them is peaceful. You need minimum 20 + gallons for hatchet fish.
Rummynose Tetra
There are various tetras that you can keep with discus.
Here we will mainly focus on Rummynose Tetra.
Rummy nose Tetra is one of the most popular mineral water layers cooling fish which you can use as your discus tank mates. They are large enough to avoid falling prey to a hungry discus fish. Their friendly temperaments can be helpful to create a peaceful environment.
You will be surprised that Rummy nose Tetra can be helpful to identify water quality, their red noses turn tail when they are frustrated from bad water quality. And because of this quality, they are mostly preferred by aquarists with their discus. However, it is better if you put those species who have slightly lower temperaments than Rummynoses.
Keeping rummynose is easy, and their temperament is also peaceful, which helps you to create a calm environment in your discus fish tank. The minimum suggested tank size should be 20 + gallons.
Pleco (small L- numbers)
You may have heard some debate about the combination of plecos and discus.
Some types of plecos will see the discus thick slime coat as a tasty meal and as a result the latch onto the relatively slow discus and attempt to rasp off the slime coat, leaving their victim wounded.
But at the same time, many aquarists are satisfied with the combination of Plecos and discus. Zebra plecos, orange spot plecos, and Bristlenose plecos are testified as great tank mates for discus.
Their difficulty level is also easy, and their temperament is also peaceful as per the requirement. The tank size should be minimum 30+ gallons if you are planning to keep plecos. But keep in mind that places do not survive on leftovers alone and additional feedings of algae wafer are highly recommended to keep your plecos healthy and happy.
Corydoras Sterbai
Sterbai corydoras are relatively large species that have the competence to tolerate higher temperaments as well.
They remain in a completely separate water layer, and they are bottom feeders who love to shift through Sandy substrate in search of any tasty morsels that your discus might have overlooked. While performing their task, they will not bother your discus, and because of their multiple advantages, they are very popular tank mates for discus.
If you desire to keep corydoras tab I along with your discus, make sure to get a club of at least six of them. Please ensure to take advantage of this, so that you can witness the new Corydoras Sterbai behaviour.
The difficulty level of Corydoras Sterbai is comfortable and provides a peaceful environment for your discus tank. Amazon biotope setup works well for both, and the tank size requirement should be 20+ gallons.
German Blue Ram
German blue Ram can add amazing colours in your discus tank.
They are one of the species from a Cichlid family having amazingly coloured and generally peaceful characteristics. However, breeding rams can occasionally display some overly assertive behaviour, but overall discus keepers are quite happy with these companions.
If you are planning to keep German blue rams as a companion of discus, then please ensure to give them plenty of cover towards the bottom of the tank. The rams like to form their little territory, and a few flower pots or cabs can make a great place to do so.
The difficulty level is intermediate, and they are peaceful but needs little attention. Around 20 + gallons is what you need to keep them.
Some more discus tank mates you should look for
- Clown loaches
- Angelfish
- Twig catfish
- Beckford’s Pencilfish
- Assassin snail
You can consider these fishes for your discus fish tank mates.